After the police had left, Leo pulled into the apartment’s parking lot. Tito had watched from the couch and limped over to the front door, opening it. “Do you have a minute?” He heard the flatness in his voice, the exhaustion, the trace of fear.
Leo zipped over to him. “Yeah, of course. You want me to come in?”
“Sure.” Tito stepped aside, letting Leo in and then locking the door. He had an instant flashback of Matt pushing the door open inch by inch and his hand coming around the side.
“Did something happen?” Leo paused in the middle of the living room floor.
Tito gazed up at Leo’s beautiful light brown eyes, which had flecks of gold. He saw concern there, warmth. All I want is for someone to care. Grandma doesn’t really care. She’s only engaged to the extent she thinks she’s getting something out of it. Mom’s only response is, ‘Good, Matt sucked anyway. Here, have twenty-five hundred calories and a hundred and fifty grams of sugar for supper.’ “There’s been another incident.” He explained the showdown.
As Tito talked, Leo’s face turned pink, then red, then purple-red. “That arrogant bastard! So entitled! And totally psychotic, too.” He paced over to the entertainment center and back again. “Okay, I shouldn’t say he’s psychotic. That’s an insult to people who have mental health issues. Matt isn’t out of touch with reality. Matt wants to control reality. There’s a difference.”
A muffled thump drew Tito’s attention to the kitchen. His box of tarot cards had fallen off the table. Was that a demon? An ancestor? The Universe? I know I didn’t leave them too close to the edge. He focused on Leo. “The police issued an APB. I don’t know if they’ll catch him or not.”
“You can’t possibly be okay.” Leo opened his arms. “Would you like a hug?”
I’m in love. There’s no use fighting it. Tito limped over and hugged Leo’s waist, resting his head on his shoulder. No matter how many times I tell myself not to go on the rebound, my heart’s already made up its mind. He managed to hold it in. Rebound relationships can blow up. I’ve got to be mature about this.
Leo caressed Tito’s back. “Do you want to sleep on my couch again? Or do you want me to sleep on yours?”
“God, yes.” Tito closed his eyes, inhaling a trace of Leo’s aftershave or cologne, an evergreen scent. “If I spend the night in here alone, I won’t sleep. I’ll expect Matt to break the window and climb in to kill me.”
“We won’t give him the chance.”
Now I know what support really looks like. Tito caught himself kneading Leo’s back through his shirt. Leo is teaching me. Kayson, Zylon, and Laderrick, too. They stepped up to the plate and became my friends when I didn’t have any. He lifted his head and gazed at Leo’s beautiful, handsome face.
Leo gazed at him. “Tito…” His gaze slipped to Tito’s lips.
Adrenaline soared through Tito, making his heart race. He wants to kiss me, but aren’t we going too fast? We’ve only known each other for three weeks. Arousal and fear clashed, and he looked away, a painful blush burning his cheeks. “I wouldn’t be getting through this nearly so well without all your help. Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Leo murmured. “All humans should be this way. It shouldn’t have to be something special.”
You saying that just makes me want you more.