All racism is insane, but some stories are extra freaky.
Among my acquaintances is an African American/Black/POC who was minding her own business getting gas, right? This total stranger white guy was at the pump across from hers ranting and raving about how gas prices have gone up.
Right in the middle of his rant, he’s like, “Hey, you! I hope you’re happy.”
She’s like, “What? You talking to me?”
Him: “Yeah, you. You voted for Biden, so I hope you’re happy with the outcome. Our gas is sky-high again.”
Her: “Excuse me?”

Dude, seriously? The levels of assumption here.
The guy assumes anything Biden did caused the gas companies to jack up their prices. Sometimes I think they sneeze into their coffee and then jack it up as a result.
The guy assumes my acquaintance voted for Biden in the first place—just because she’s Black. (Um, no. There were plenty of POC who voted for Trump.)
And most of all, the guy assumes he’s got the right to snark a total stranger about it because she’s Black. (Or, maybe more than that, because she’s female and Black.)
Whoa. Check that obnoxious white privilege at the door, man.